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The Pyromancer Trilogy Special Collector’s Edition Kickstarter Campaign is Live!

Project image for The Pyromancer Trilogy

It’s live!

The Pyromancer Trilogy special collector’s edition Kickstarter project has been launched today (July 1)!

All Literary Love Savannah 2024 Attendees who back this project will receive some special thank-you goodies during the convention.

Back the project today!

This 768-PAGE edition will be available in paperback and hardback.

If certain stretch goals are met, there is an opportunity for this edition to be upgraded to have GOLD FOIL and SPRAYED EDGES.

Or, how about a CLOTH WALLSCROLL with custom artwork of the characters from the book?

These are just two of the many stretch goals planned for this campaign!


  • Epic fantasy readers who enjoyed similar series like the old school Weis/Hickman Dragonlance books, and R.A. Salvatore books. Basically any of the TSR novels from the 80s/90s.
  • D&D nerds
  • LOTR and Harry Potter fans
  • This book is suitable for kids (if they are old enough to read books like Harry Potter, then they are old enough to read this book)

Tell your friends! Spread the word! You don’t want to miss this awesome edition of the award-winning EPIC FANTASY series!

Pledge today!

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